Have You Heard? We are Offering Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT)

by | Nov 17, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT)

History of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT)

Before it is a great tool to help with musculoskeletal problems such as  heel pain, tennis elbow and injuries, urologists use this therapy to help break the kidney stones into smaller pieces. Using a high- energy wave to generate waves of water that could break the stones, the doctors have been using ESWT for more than ten years. Eventually, more and more specialists wants to have a try at it, and the orthopedics department had tried to use it to remove a heel spur. While that did not work, the doctors and patients have found that it helps with the pains associated with the inflammation.

Good News To Everyone

Generally, the ESWT used in muscular conditions uses lower- energy sound waves, which delivers a mechanical force to the tissues. Hence, location of the pain or injury is a point of consideration for suitability. Other contraindications are pregnancy, people who have poor sensation on their feet, and people who have heart issues. During the treatment session, the shock wave may cause the area to hurt and become more sensitive for a short time.

If you are short for time, and you are a good candidate for the extracorporeal shock wave therapy that we are offering, you will be happy to know that this is a 10 minute procedure. This is a quick in and out procedure, where you can walk out of the clinic after having treatment. Some studies deduces that ESWT is promoting inflammation pathway to trigger the body to heal itself, and advises caution in using anti- inflammatory medications.


It is Quick and Easy

Shock wave therapy is an outpatient procedure. A probe is placed on the skin after a gel is applied to help conduct the shock waves. High- or low-energy waves may be used. High-energy waves may cause pain and require a local or regional aesthetic. Low-energy shock wave therapy often is performed without anesthesia. Therapy is more successful with active patient participation where the patient tells the therapist whether or not the probe is at the area of pain. One or more treatment sessions may be needed, although you may find good level of improvement on your first session.

In contrast to other treatment methods, ESWT takes around ten minutes, and you can walk out from the clinic after. If you are tempted to find out more, do call or email us to arrange for an assessment. We do need to check if you meet the criteria, so that you can enjoy the real benefits from this treatment.
