Sever’s Disease Treatment Wayville

Understanding the Symptoms of Sever’s Disease in Children
Be aware of these symptoms in your child, as they could point to Sever’s Disease:
- A slow but steady escalation of pain over time.
- Exacerbation of pain during sports-related activities.
- Heel maybe worse barefoot, particularly in the morning
- A tender feeling when squeezing the heel region.
Factors Leading to Sever’s Disease in Children
In a growth spurt, the heel bone grows more rapidly than the muscles, ligaments and tendons in the leg. When the bones grow faster than the muscles, the Achilles tendon that attaches the leg muscles to the heel gets tight. It pulls on to a weak spot on the heel (growth plate). The growth plate of the heel is cartilage that has not yet to turn to bone and is prone to inflammation at the attachment site because of excessive pulling of the Achilles. This causes it to separate from the heel, fibre by fibre. There are a number of reasons why constant tearing of the Achilles away from the heel occurs leading to inflammation:
- Growth of the child has made the bones longer than the muscles
- Excessive over-pronation (flat feet)
- Tight calves
- Poor/soft footwear
- Excessive sporting participation
Treatment for Sever’s Disease
At Heel Pain Clinics of Adelaide, our unique ‘Don’t Severs Your Child’s Foot System‘ is designed to target the root causes that contribute to the stress on the heel growth plate in Sever’s Disease.
This comprehensive approach includes the ‘Heal Your Heel System‘, which is structured around three key components:
- Your Child’s Homework: Exercise Regime
- Address Any Bad Footwear
- Addressing Biomechanics
If your child has Sever’s Disease we have a 94% success rate with this program.

Ultimate 7 Step Checklist to Heal Your Morning Heel Pain
Gap Free Heel Pain Assessments*
We offer a GAP FREE ASSESSMENT* for heel pain under your health insurance.

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