Dry Needling Frewville
Adelaide Heel Pain Clinics offer dry needling to the Frewville community.
What is Dry Needling?
Dry needling is a technique that is now considered the gold standard in releasing tight muscles. It is a technique that consists of briefly inserting a small acupuncture like needle (approximately 0.3mm thick) into a trigger point within a muscle.
The needle is inserted into the tight bands of the muscle belly, often referred to as trigger points. Trigger points may develop in a muscle following an injury or over time as a result of repeated overload or stress to the muscle. The insertion of the dry needle causes the muscle to contract briefly, known as a “twitch”.
Following the “twitch” the muscle relaxes and this in turn allows it to relax and potentially reducing pain.

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What Are The Benefits Of Dry Needling?
A few benefits of dry needling include:
- Helps to loosen stiff muscles
- Eases joint pain
- Improves blood flow and oxygen circulations within the body
- Improves flexibility and joint range of motion
What Conditions Can Dry Needling Help With?
Conditions in which dry needling can help include:
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Achilles Injuries
- Heel Spurs
- Peroneal Tendinopathy
- Tibialis Posterior Tendinopathy
- Severs Disease in older children

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